
Thinking about death, to say nothing of planning for your own or that of a family member, is often uncomfortable. Nevertheless, funeral planning before the need arises is  important.  Planning ahead is certainly not a new concept. People have always prepared wills, purchased life insurance and even selected their own cemetery lot. Funeral planning merely takes this a step further by meeting with your funeral director to discuss arrangements in advance.

To assist those that are considering making these important arrangements, we have compiled answers to commonly asked questions concerning funeral planning.

Arrangement Conference Guide

What are the advantages of preplanning?

Preplanning can provide opportunities for everyone to discuss personal preferences, feelings, and desires. In the event of death, the family will be comforted by knowing that they are carrying out their loved one’s wishes.

Preplanning can relieve the emotional burden that occurs at the time of death.  It gives your family and friends the time to concentrate on supporting each other.

If you choose to set up a prepaid funeral, any financial hardship that can cause distress for a family can be eliminated.

Do I have to prepay for the funeral now?

No. Many people just want to have their final arrangements known in advance, even decide upon the type of ceremony and casket, without actually paying for these items. Getting your wishes down in writing is the most important thing. That way, there is no confusion about your intentions at the time of your death.

If I want to prepay for a funeral, what payment options are available?

While most people pay for their funeral in one lump sum, you can also set up a payment plan that is convenient for you.

What happens if funeral prices increase?

By prepaying for a funeral, you will be guaranteed to receive the services and merchandise from the funeral home at a future date, no matter what the cost.  Outside the funeral home expenses (grave openings, clergy honorarium, newspaper notices, etc.) are not guaranteed.

Where does the money for a prepaid funeral go?

The funds are deposited into an irrevocable trust held by an insurance company through our funeral home or deposited into a certificate of deposit with a local bank.

How can I begin the preplanning process?

Call us anytime to set up an appointment at 402-944-3343.